

Assistant Dean for Student Success, 多样性, and 包容
Roy G. 故事学生中心
(402) 465-2401
nwu-divincl [at] zhenhuihy.com (nwu-divincl[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Assistant Director for 多元化和包容性
Roy G. 故事学生中心
(402) 465-2135
nwu-divincl [at] zhenhuihy.com (nwu-divincl[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)


多样性和包容性办公室努力通过尊重在内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学建立一个欢迎的文化, 归属感, 社区与成长.

尊重: 尊重创造了相互理解和欣赏个人差异的基础,并培养了一个不同观点的环境, identities and backgrounds are valued and treated with dignity. 通过提升尊重, 人们感到安全, listened to 和授权 to contribute to the campus culture. 

归属: 一种个人的接受感, 连接, and value helps us realize that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. 建立和培养植根于信任的关系,使每个人都能以真实的自我在内布拉斯加州卫斯理参与和贡献.

社区: The cultivation of dialogue and collaboration helps us achieve our shared goals. We may not always agree with one another, 但是,社区是通过积极参与和在坚持我们的集体价值观的同时克服我们的分歧的能力来形成的.

增长持续的智力和个人发展使人们能够充分发挥他们的潜力. 我们这个世界的不同交叉点产生了好奇心,用不同的思维方式丰富了我们的生活,所以我们可以成为终身学习者,致力于扩展我们的观点.



多样性和包容性办公室与传播研究部门之间的合作将提供空间,从各种角度对主题进行健康的讨论. These discussions will be led by student facilitators once a month.

所有的对话将发生在 草原狼A & B (lower level of the 故事学生中心).

Wednesday, September 18, 12-12:50 p.m. – Topic: Protests and Demonstrations
10月16日,星期三,中午12点至12点50分.m. -题目:民主与分裂
Wednesday, November 13, 12-12:50 p.m. – Topic: Abortion and Reproductive 健康 

DEI Workshops/Training Opportunities

Explore our DEI workshop/training opportunities. We offer four engaging workshops designed for faculty, 工作人员 and student organizations to foster a more inclusive campus community. Reach out to the 多样性和包容性办公室 (nwu_divincl [at] zhenhuihy.com (nwu_divincl[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)) to discuss and schedule a workshop for your class, team meetings and any other setting to learn more about diversity, 公平与包容. 


  • Cultivating an Inclusive Environment
  • 身份
  • 内隐偏见
  • General workshop (this briefly covers all three topics)

The Purpose of NWU的归属调查

这项调查旨在衡量内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学在创造一个让校园社区的每个成员都有归属感的环境方面的有效性. Questions focus on how current practices foster or inhibit 归属感, 现存的多样性, 公平与包容 (DEI) efforts are succeeding or failing.

NWU的归属调查 has been part of our strategic planning process since September 2019. 古德校长希望评估校园的归属感,以了解如何最好地将社区发展成为一个每个人都有归属感的地方.

甚至在古德被雇佣之前, 校长遴选委员会决定,第17任校长应该优先考虑真正的增长,而不是更加多元化, 公平包容的校园. This survey stems from this priority.


我们将评估汇总数据,以确定我们在培养校园归属感方面的成功或失败. We’ll report the data and our interpretation. 我们将与行政委员会和理事会分享我们的建议. The university’s 领导 will use this information to support, guide or alter NWU’s strategic initiatives over the coming years.



The NWU 倡导多元化奖s honor students, 工作人员, and faculty members who raise awareness about a need, 问题, or opportunity regarding issues of diversity and inclusion on campus. Advocates for 多样性 inspire others with their advocacy to ensure that all students, 教职员工感到宾至如归, 参与和授权.

被提名人应该表现出挑战刻板印象的意愿,并成为不同群体之间的桥梁建设者. 获奖者将获得400美元的奖学金或津贴,并每年作为大学马丁·路德·金日庆祝活动的一部分得到认可.

Nominations should detail the following:

  • How has the nominee raised awareness about a need, 问题, or opportunity regarding issues of diversity and inclusion on campus?
  • 被提名人如何用他们的远见和倡议来激励其他人,以确保所有学生都能获得教育, 工作人员, 教职员工也会感到受欢迎, 订婚了, 和授权?
  • How has the nominee challenged stereotypes and been a bridge builder between diverse groups?
    • How does the student exude enthusiasm for serving the NWU and Lincoln community?
    • 学生如何表现出对校园需求的敏感和了解,以及通过课外活动丰富校园的能力?
    • How has the student demonstrated initiative, 创造力, 责任, 合作, 领导, 和/或关心他人?

Send your award nominations to the 多样性和包容性办公室 at nwu-divincl [at] zhenhuihy.com (nwu-divincl[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)


玛丽·巴特勒奖授予学术地位良好的三年级或四年级学生,他们认为自己是有色人种的学生. 被提名者应该表现出为内布拉斯加州卫斯理和林肯社区服务的热情,应该对校园需求敏感并了解校园需求. 他们应该展示出通过课外活动丰富校园的能力.


请写一篇200-500字的陈述,解释为什么这个学生应该获得玛丽·巴特勒奖. 多元化和包容性办公室将想知道被提名人如何满足以下一个或多个标准:

  • How does the student exude enthusiasm for serving the NWU and Lincoln community?
  • 学生如何表现出对校园需求的敏感和了解,以及通过课外活动丰富校园的能力?
  • How has the student demonstrated initiative, 创造力, 责任, 合作, 领导, 和/或关心他人?

Send your award nominations the 多样性和包容性办公室 at nwu-divincl [at] zhenhuihy.com (nwu-divincl[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Bias Education Response Team (BERT)

内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学 is committed to being a safe community for everyone to learn, 工作和成长. 当我们目睹偏见或仇恨事件时,校园社区的所有成员都有责任大声疾呼.


A bias incident is conduct or expression that targets an individual or group based on race, 种族, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 年龄, 残疾, cultural background or other characteristics. Bias incidents include a range of behaviors including telling cruel jokes, 基于他人在某个群体中的真实或感知的成员身份而辱骂或骚扰.


仇恨犯罪是一种行为或表达的行为,其中明显有偏见动机作为促成因素,并已上升到犯罪的程度. So, while all hate crimes are bias incidents, not all bias incidents are hate crimes.


Hate crimes and bias incidents don't just victimize individuals; they harm communities by making others feel unwelcome or less safe. We must work together to reduce bias and eliminate hate on our campus.

Reporting incidents of bias or hate

If you have experienced or witnessed bias or hate, or if you are advocating for someone who may have, the Bias Education Response Team (BERT) wants to hear from you. BERT可以调查投诉并作出适当回应,以支持受害者并教育校园社区.

如果发生了犯罪,请拨打911. Once you are safe, report the incident to the Bias Response Team as soon as possible at reportbias [at] zhenhuihy.com (reportbias[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or (402) 465-7732.

BERT begins investigations of all reports of bias or hate within 48 hours. Possible interventions may include referrals to University Judiciary. BERT provides feedback on reported incidents, 提出预防未来校园事件的方法,并提出解决问题的方案. Our BERT facilitator, 坎蒂丝豪厄尔, can also be reached at chowell [at] zhenhuihy.com (chowell[在]nebrwesleyan[点]edu).

多样性, Equity, 包容 and Accessibility Committee

该委员会致力于确保内布拉斯加州卫斯理社区保持勤奋和进步与大学的多样性核心价值. It is comprised of 16 voting members, 包括三个教员, 五个员工, seven students and an ex officio committee chair.

The committee’s purpose is to enact holistic and positive change by maintaining an inclusive campus; building a more diverse population; and providing access, information and awareness of opportunities within the Nebraska Wesleyan community.


  • 制度政策
  • 包容的教育学
  • 文化能力发展
  • Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Groups
  • 校园及社区规划
  • 校园的可十大网络娱乐平台排名性

For more information, contact Wendy Hunt at nwu-divincl [at] zhenhuihy.com (nwu-divincl[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)


交叉性资源中心是一个倡导和支持NWU校园中具有交叉性身份的学生的地方. IRC provides students a meeting place, resources on intersecting identities and training opportunities. See the 交叉性资源中心 webp年龄 for more information.


内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学, we acknowledge the truth that the land we work, learn and live on is the ancestral and forcibly ceded territory of indigenous nations.

我们承认,这些国家所依赖的土地和自然资源过去和现在都与它们的特性有着不可分割的联系, 文化和生计, as well as their physical and spiritual well-being.

We honor vital ancestral knowledge and expertise of land, resources, culture and spirit.

我们尊敬长者, 过去和现在, of the indigenous nations that inhabited the lands of eastern Nebraska: Ponca, 波尼, 奥马哈和奥托-密苏里.

我们向许多其他土著民族致敬,我们没有说出他们的名字,但他们在这片土地上生活或旅行了数千年, as well as those who live on these lands today.

We honor this land upon which we work, learn and live. We pledge to steward it throughout the generations.