

国际商务专业由三个部分组成. 辅修或主修一门现代外语. 国际业务 majors must study or work abroad for at least one semester in an approved program.

Mathematics, as required for the 业务 administration major, is strongly recommended. This is especially important for those students who plan to pursue graduate studies in this field.

国际商务课程 42小时
ACCT 1310会计原理1 3个小时
ACCT 1320会计原理2 3个小时
经济学1530宏观经济原理 3个小时
经济学1540微观经济学原理 3个小时
经济4570国际贸易 3个小时
BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 3个小时


BUSAD 2300商务沟通 3个小时
BUSAD 2500管理原则 3个小时
BUSAD 2700商业法1 3个小时
财务管理 3个小时
BUSAD 4300国际营销 3个小时
BUSAD 4400国际金融 3个小时
BUSAD 4800战略管理 3个小时
辅修现代语言文学或现代语言研究专业. Students whose second language is English can meet this requirement by completing seven credit hours in Modern Language electives.
国际业务 majors must study or work abroad for at least one semester in an approved program.  
顶石 3个小时
商业实习 3个小时
The senior internship must be approved by the student’s advisor and the coordinator for internships. 寻找合适的实习机会是学生的责任. 该实习可以作为被批准的海外学习经历的一部分完成.


ACCT 1310会计原理1 (3小时)

This is an introduction to the basic accounting model and the framework for developing financial statements. The major focus is on the study of generally accepted accounting principles as they apply to the measurement of income and the 演讲 of a firm's financial position.

ACCT 1320会计原理2 (3小时)

The role of accounting in the formation and capitalization of corporations is studied. 其他主题包括现金流, 分析和解释财务报表, 基础管理会计.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in ACCT 1310会计原理1.

BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 (3小时)

Students examine the role of marketing in society with an introduction to the fundamentals of strategic marketing planning and the development of the marketing mix. 主题包括买家行为, 市场细分, 分布, 定价政策, 传播策略, 以及产品开发.

商业和经济统计 (3小时)

介绍描述统计和推论统计. 主题包括聚会, 组织, 解释, and presenting data with emphasis on 假设检验 as a method for decision making in the fields of 业务 and economics. 程序包括z检验、t检验、方差分析、相关性和简单回归.
交叉上市与ECON 2100.
Prerequisite(s): Demonstrated proficiency in high school algebra 或者得到老师的许可.

BUSAD 2300商务沟通 (3小时)

This course will review the basics of effective oral and written communication and apply these basics to 业务 writing and 演讲s. 各种个人和合作项目, 包括备忘录, 信, 和报告, 会强调起草的过程吗, 修改, 编辑商务通讯.
先决条件:工商管理, 会计, 经济学, 国际业务, 体育管理专业.

BUSAD 2500管理原则 (3小时)

管理理论与实践概论. Students explore the history of management and the environment in which managers operate. 课堂讨论的重点是计划的基本管理功能, 组织, 领先的, 和控制.

BUSAD 2700商业法1 (3小时)

介绍法律、法院、侵权行为和合同. 它还将探讨法律在商业中的应用. 这是工商管理和会计专业的必修课.

财务管理 (3小时)

Students are introduced to financial management of proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. 风险和回报的概念, 货币的时间价值, and stock and bond valuation are analyzed from a quantitative approach and applied throughout the course. Additional topics covered are 资金成本 as related to discounted cash flow, 资本预算, 战略融资决策. A project consisting of several spreadsheet applications will be utilized in order to expose students to their potential for financial 分析. 涵盖的主题包括:基本财务报表, 财务比率分析, 货币的时间价值, 估值和回报率, 资金成本, 资本预算.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and grades of "C-" or better in 经济学1530宏观经济原理 or 经济学1540微观经济学原理, ACCT 1320会计原理2, 以及一门院系认可的数学课程(Math 1100 College Algebra), 数学1400微积分预备, 数学1450有限数学, 数学1500管理微积分, 生物, 和社会科学或数学1600微积分I), 或者得到老师的许可.

BUSAD 4300国际营销 (3小时)

Students will investigate the opportunities and challenges facing American companies seeking to expand their markets across international boundaries. 分析包括国际营销壁垒的研究, 文化模式, 使产品线适应国际市场, 选择分销渠道, 定价策略, 以及国际传播策略.
Prerequisite(s): Grade of "C-" or better in BUSAD 2000市场营销原理 and a 1000- or 2000-level speaking-instructive course.

BUSAD 4400国际金融 (3小时)

This course covers the basic concepts and practices used in the field of international finance including differences in both customs and operating procedures between the United States and its trading partners. The focus will be on their international monetary system and emphasis on the role of international finance in multinational corporations, 为国外业务融资, 外商投资分析, 国家风险分析, 政府货币管制, 汇率, 和套利.
Prerequisite(s): Grades of "C-" or better in 经济学1530宏观经济原理 and 经济学1540微观经济学原理.

BUSAD 4800战略管理 (3小时)

本课程整合了所有先前的会计, 业务, and economics courses as final preparation for the student's entry into the 业务 world or graduate studies. Case studies and computer simulations are utilized to enable students to gain an understanding of 业务 operations and the application of 业务 principles.
先决条件:高级常务工商管理, 会计, 或经济学专业, 在ACCT 1310会计原理I中取得C-或以上成绩, ACCT 1320会计原理2, 经济学1530宏观经济原理, 经济学1540微观经济学原理, BUSAD 2500管理原理和BUSAD 2000营销原理, 或者得到老师的许可, 以及1000或2000级的写作指导课程.

商业实习 (3小时)

Each student must work with the department internship coordinator to obtain a 业务-related internship related to the specific area of emphasis or interest of the student. This course presents each student the opportunity for work-related application of 业务 interest. 在特殊情况下, a second internship may be taken for credit with the approval of the 业务 department chair and the internship coordinator.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of the department internship coordinator.

经济学1530宏观经济原理 (3小时)

对美国宏观经济理论、问题和政策的考察.S. 经济. 主题包括供给和需求, 对主要经济部门的描述, and the role of government in stabilizing the 经济 with monetary and fiscal policies.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
经济学1540微观经济学原理 (3小时)

对美国微观经济理论、问题和政策的考察.S. 经济. 主题包括公司理论, 市场结构, 以及当前的经济问题,如收入分配, 反托拉斯政策, 贫困, 农场问题, 以及国际贸易.
先决条件:ECON 1530宏观经济原则强烈建议.

拱门的课程: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
经济学2100商业和经济统计 (3小时)

参见BUSAD 2100商业和经济统计.

经济4570国际贸易 (3小时)

国际贸易学对国际贸易理论的研究, 商业政策, 国际货币事务, 以及促进国际经济稳定和发展的机构.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and grade of "C-" or better in 经济学1540微观经济学原理 或者得到老师的许可.

数学1300统计学 (3小时)

统计概念的介绍,重点是应用. 主题包括描述性统计, 离散和连续概率分布, 中心极限定理, 置信区间, 假设检验, 线性回归.

心理统计2100 (4小时)

介绍描述统计和推论统计 as decision-making guides in psychology and related fields. 主题包括组织, 分析, 演讲, and interpretation of data with emphasis on the 假设检验 model of inference. Specific procedures include z-tests, 学习任务s, 分析 of variance, and 相关. 计算经验需要实验室部分.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science and sophomore standing.

SOC 2910社会统计 (4小时)

In this course students are introduced to descriptive and inferential statistics and their applications to sociological research. 统计程序包括集中趋势测量, 可变性, 学习任务, 单向方差分析, 相关, 回归, 卡方. 课程还包括使用SPSS进行分析的具体培训.
先决条件(s): SOC 1110社会学介绍.
