


Tornadoes are regionally common and are considered dangerous.  Being aware of and following 的 tornado safety policy and related procedures can greatly reduce 的 risk of injury or death.  This set of procedures will apply to all employees, 学生, 以及内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的嘉宾.  This policy may also apply to NWU sponsored events at off-site locations. 

Tornado watches and warnings are issued by 的 National Wea的r Service.  When 的 possibility exists for a significant threat, a Watch or Warning will be issued for Lancaster County.

龙卷风的手表: conditions are favorable in our area for tornados to develop.

龙卷风警告: a tornado has been sighted or radar indicates rotation in 的 clouds.


The Vice President for Finance and 政府, 教务长, and Director for Public Relations will monitor severe 天气 through various 天气-related apps and 的 National Wea的r Service.  In 的 event of a 龙卷风警告 within Lincoln city limits, city sirens will sound for specific city quadrants, and a university text notification will go out through 的 Nebraska Wesleyan Alert System.  Radio stations and television stations will also announce relevant 天气 conditions.  

注意: 当城市的警笛声停止时,它就会停止 indicate 的 "warning" has expired or that activities can resume. Once 的 National Wea的r Service determines 的 warning can expire, an “All Clear” message will be sent via 的 Nebraska Wesleyan Alert System when normal activities can resume. 


  • 盯着天空看.  天气状况变化很快.
  • 注意指定的龙卷风掩体区域 对于您当前的位置.
  • 注意天气状况的变化 查看天气应用听你的手机 announcements by 的 National Wea的r Service, or listen to radio or television stations that announce relevant 天气 conditions for 的 area you are located.
  • 联系 Physical Plant Security Office at 402-432-9238 for additional information or questions about a 龙卷风的手表.


  • Take shelter immediately in a designated indoor shelter.  如果没有指定区域可用, 躲在地下室里, 室内大厅, 或者没有窗户的室内房间.  If outdoors and you are unable to get to a designated shelter, lay flat in a 沟 或抑郁.  如果你在一辆车里, get out of 的 vehicle and take shelter in a designated area, 沟, 或抑郁.   永远不要试图逃离龙卷风.  一定要保护好你的头部.
  • 如果你在大学大楼里, 的re will be postings near 的 entrance of 的 building identifying 的 designated shelter area.  Use stairs to get to 的 lowest level of 的 building and stay away from windows.
  • 如果龙卷风袭击了你附近的地区, do not use phones or cell phones unless you have an emergency.  This will help prevent cell phone and telephone overloads.
  • 联系 的 Physical Plant Security Office at 402-432-9238 for additional information or questions about a 龙卷风警告.


Supervisors and course instructors are responsible to identify and escort individuals with disabilities to tornado shelters, 如果有龙卷风警报.  Elevators may be used to transport individuals with disabilities to 的 shelter, 只要大楼有电力.  如果大楼断电了, shelter 的 person with a disability in an interior room with no windows, or have someone help 的 disabled person to 的 designated tornado shelter.

List of Designated University Tornado Shelter Areas: 

体育活动: In 的 case of inclement 天气 including a Tornado Warning, a member of 的 Athletic Training Staff will monitor threatening 天气 and make 的 decision to remove a team or individuals from an athletic site or event. 官员们, administration and athletic trainer will discuss and decide on 的 continuation or termination of such event. In 的 event that 的 competition is postponed, 所有的观众, 官员, 运动员, and support staff will evacuate 的 facility and seek shelter in an available designated shelter area until 的 game or event resumes.  For more specific instructions for Athletic events, see 的 NWU Emergency Action Plan for facilities at http://nwusports.com/sports/2020/9/9/emergency-action-plans.  

Resumption Procedure after a 龙卷风警告: 

The Vice President for Finance and 政府, 教务长, and Director for Public Relations will confirm 的 expiration of 的 Tornado Warning and communicate when it is safe to resume activities.  This will be communicated through 的 NWU Alert System for campus locations.  As 天气 is different in various locations and can change from area to area, please stay tuned to 的 National Wea的r Service Warnings and Watch notifications for additional 天气 announcements, 关于你的具体位置. 


Supervisors and workers need to be aware if a 龙卷风的手表 是有效的. 

Physical Plant Employees will be informed of a 龙卷风警告 or an approaching tornado by radio or personal contact.  The employees should take shelter in any of 的 campus buildings and wait for 的 storm to safely pass prior to resuming outdoor activities. 


The Lancaster County Civil Defense tests 的 city tornado sirens monthly.   A test Tornado Watch will be posted at 10:00 am followed by 的 emergency sirens on 的 first Wednesday of each month at 10:15a.m. 

要了解更多有关龙卷风安全的资讯,请浏览: http://www.weather.gov/safety/tornado