LPS teachers build student success through PROMISES grant program

Sixty social studies teachers at LPS middle and high schools sharpened their academic carpentry skills in PROMISES grant classes. 承诺——“提供严谨和机会:为每个学生的成功提供有意义的指导”——是一个由美国联邦政府资助的项目.S. Department of Education. 这个18学时课程的第一部分于今年夏天在NWU的Callen会议中心进行.
Lindsay Pierce is the chairperson of Northwest High School’s social studies department and will be starting her tenth year at LPS. 她觉得PROMISES课程今年将帮助整个学区的数百名学生.
“Our biggest goal with everything we do is doing what’s best for kids,” Pierce said. “在我们的课堂上增加更多的严谨性将增加我们孩子成功的机会, because it’s going to push them and help them become better students.”
Ben Czapla and Chris Turley shared Pierce’s enthusiasm about the course. Czapla teaches U.S. history to eighth graders at Park Middle School, and Turley leads Advanced Placement (AP) Human Geography and Civics classes at Lincoln High School. 他们说,每个人都在学习的课程将远远超出社会研究教室的范围.
“我认为在一个内容领域增加严谨性有助于在其他内容领域增加严谨性,”Turley说. “如果孩子们有工具,比如知道如何记笔记或知道如何学习一门课程, it’s going to help them in other subjects too, so I think it can really be a districtwide initiative. This is allowing students to reach the goals that we’ve set as a district.”

“All of us have different perspectives, 这很好,因为它给每个人提供了不同的教学实践,可以应用于任何课程,” Czapla said. “Even though we’re specifically social studies in this class, I think what we’re learning here can be transferred into AVID classes, math classes, English classes. I think that’s pretty neat.”
凯文·鲍尔(Kevin Bower)在内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学(Nebraska Wesleyan University)教授历史课程,他是开幕式的四位共同负责人之一. LPS K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Specialist Jaci Kellison, 承诺项目协调员Kevin Rippe和LPS K-12社会研究教师领导Pat O 'Meara也就教育专业提供了宝贵的见解.
Bower said he was pleased with what he saw from LPS teachers during their time together.
“We had an inspiring week,” Bower said. “将致力于为所有学生服务的高水平专业人士聚集在一起,让他们分享经验, 与领先的学生学习研究合作和学习可以创造一些特别的东西.”
Bower, Kellison, Rippe和O 'Meara为LPS教师留出了大量的课堂时间,以便彼此建立专业联系. Teachers soaked up many different concepts and strategies in large-group settings, 然后,他们彼此进行头脑风暴,讨论如何在课堂上构建强有力的课程.
“We’ve gained a lot of different resources, which has been really good, 能够和这里的其他老师交谈,他们都是各自领域的专家,感觉很棒,” Turley said. “我们能够结合我们所有人的优势,提供更多的资源、不同的工具和策略来帮助孩子们成长.”
“The coolest thing about this opportunity is teachers coming together and saying, ‘This works in my classroom, what works in yours?’” Czapla said. “然后我们能够共同合作,找到最佳实践,以提高严谨性,并为学生增加机会.”
鲍尔说:“我相信所有老师都意识到,我们在一起会更好。. “教学楼之间和年级之间的合作对于确保每个教室的每个学生都能获得最好的学习体验至关重要。.”
研究生课程只是LPS学生和教师从1美元中受益的一种方式.9 million grant. 承诺计划将为选择参加几个社会研究课程的AP考试的学生支付所有考试费用. 今年春天,内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学举办了第一次免费的AP考试和备考研讨会.
PROMISES的领导者和LPS的老师们也认为,不同的举措将增加未来荣誉课程的入学率, which is one of the goals of student wellbeing and outcomes of the LPS 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. 48%的LPS中学生在2023-24学年完成了荣誉课程.
“与其他教育工作者合作,把孩子们推向他们可能从未想过可以到达的地方,这对我来说真的很鼓舞人心,” Czapla said. “让七年级和八年级的学生进入那些大学先修课程,然后在他们进入高中后取得成功,这是一个很大的目标.”
“我不知道教育界以外的人是否总是意识到,在学校不上课的时候,老师花了多少时间在专业学习上,” Bower said. “So, 我们很高兴,PROMISES项目可以提供额外的机会,与已经存在于整个学区和学校建筑内的合作机会相结合.”

To learn more about the PROMISES project, visit our website at http://home.lps.org/socialstudies/promises-project/.
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Published: August 14, 2024, Updated: August 14, 2024

林肯公立学校的社会研究老师们在今年夏天内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学的承诺资助课程上分享了彼此的见解. PROMISES is a federally-funded program from the U.S. Department of Education. 其目标是帮助教师在所有的社会研究课程中为学生增加严谨性和机会.